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This is what Field.$error or FormsField.$error returns if there is an error.

Details of yup.ValidationError object

The of yup explains the same things.

message property

  • Error message (string).
const firstName = field("", yup.string().required())
console.log(firstName.$error.message); // "this is a required field"

const lastName = field("", yup.string().required("REQUIRED!"));
console.log(lastName.$error.message); // "REQUIRED!"

type property

  • Error type such as "required" (string). This property is useful for testing because it is independent of error messages.
const firstName = field("", yup.string().required())
console.log(firstName.$error.type); // "required"

const lastName = field("", yup.string().required("REQUIRED!"));
console.log(lastName.$error.type); // "required"

errors property

  • Array of error messages (string[]).
    • Field.$errorMessages and FormsField.$errorMessages can be used instead. These properties return an empty array if there are no errors.

inner property

  • In the case of aggregate errors, inner is an array of ValidationError throw earlier in the validation chain.
  • When the abortEarly option is false this is where you can inspect each error thrown, alternatively, errors will have all of the messages from each inner error.